TRALIVE Kamikawa is a membership community. It was created as a place where people from around the world gather to assist in this disappearing town, Kamikawa, by solving the lack of local supporters and troubles of the community "while having fun" by interacting with locals, either from the comfort of your own home or on the side of your trip to Japan.
Still unsure?
Register as a free member!
Free membership includes:
Basic online experience
Member's news feed
Exchange with other members
Original Japanese Kanji Icon
Kamikawa Travel Concierge
Participate in TRALIVE Activities,
Support Kamikawa
Discover and experience the charm of Kamikawa from the comfort of your home
Make friends in this community of people interested in rural Japanese culture and Kamikawa
Visit Kamikawa to discover "hidden gems" in Japan that are difficult to experience on ordinary trips
Monthly membership plans
TRALIVE Kamigawa members also have a monthly membership plan (includes donation) that offers premium online experiences, Japanese lessons, and discounts on paid content.
Recommended for those who want to fully enjoy TRALIVE Kamikawa and those who want to support Kamikawa more.
9.99$Every monthEnjoy Kamikawa and the community to the fullest30 day free trial- In addition to free membership benefits:
- ✓Premium badge
- ✓Access for Premium experience
- ✓Discount for paid content(5%)
- ✓100 yen donation to support Kamikawa
- ✓Support Activities Reports
Fanship Premium
29.99$Every monthSupporters Plan includs 2000yen donation & Private JP class- In addition to free membership benefits:
- ✓Fanship badge
- ✓Access for Premium experience
- ✓Private Japanese Class(One lesson)
- ✓Travel Concierge Service (Kamikawa & JAPAN)
- ✓Discount for paid content(10%)
- ✓2,000 yen donation to support Kamikawa
- ✓Support Activities Reports